Here, this is what we can see when we're up the slope.
Part of my faculty.
After the joggings, we went for badminton game, yea, BADMINTON, alright... The one you play with racquet, you know??? WAHAHAHAHA! Okay, I'm really getting out of my head already. Ain't knowing why. Just let me be. As if anyone will be reading till this far. Wahaha! Blah Blah Blah...
Now... What's for now??? Okay, as you know, I've joined Tennis for my co-curricular activity this very semester, yaya, the one you play with a racquet too! Haahaa! But ya' know right, both racquets AREN'T the SAME!!! Wahahahaha! Ok, I'm an idiot. Alright. Neh.
So, ya, well... hm... My facilitator is GOOD, erm, well, not as suave and cool as my previous THEATER facilitator though. But again, I've gotten myself a FACI who's kinda... kind to me yet again! WAHAHA! How LUCKY AM I, huh??? I WANT an A again!!!
And so, my main point here is that...
Aurora, oh Aurora... When you're not showing yourself, Me and my crazy coursemate went searching for you, where were you when we get to the tennis court? WAHAHAHAHA! Okay, am getting idiotic yet again. BUBU.
Even before daybreak, Dinosaur came to my house and we went for "early-morning-tennis-game" at K17's tennis court!!! Haha! It was cool although I wasn't really getting my hands at it. I'm STILL an AMATEUR player what. Someday, I'm gonna be GOOD. Haahaa!
DayBreak (P/S : Can u see someone in this pic? Creepy???)
Hm, these two days, da weekends, K17's having SUKANEKA and for today, I've managed to join in two of the activities so far (TO GET MERITS!!! I DON'T WANNA BE KICKED OUT FROM COLLEGE!!! I'M NOT A BALL TO BE KICKED!!! WAHAHAHA! -LAME-).
First, it was aerobic exercise led by Vivian da Vet, somehow, I kinda like her looks. Haahaa! Shhhh.... I'm not a les lar... But people DO change. Who knows? Wakakakaka! Senseless again. Boring right. Duh.... no photos.. actually got lar but I prefer the video taken! Haha! Of my Ms.Dinosaur, shakey shakey boom boom!!! (can't be publicized without her consent though! Heehee!)
Next, we went for FREE BREAKFAST of Kampung Fried Rice and Tea/Teh Tarik/Syrups Drinks.
Having our tummy bloated with the UNLIMITED consumption (I took 1 plate only lar~), we continue with the second activity, "Tabur Baja", or better known as PLANTING lar... There, some random pictures taken!
Harry Potter Is In Town!!!
Ms.Apek(s) In Town lar... Haahaa!
The TOOLS...
The guys, working out...
Ai Ai in ACTION !!!
wakakakakaka........where got DINOSAUR?????? but it is good that not to post the video without permission...... and at the tennis court one,i really dont know who is it woh.........huhuhuhuhuuh........
nextime u say OK den I jiu can entertain ppl in my blog le!
mayb ah-mu watch le, wil b not so ah-mu, keke!
jk jk
TENNIS COURT??? NoNo lo! wahahaha!
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