Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Spoilt Nap

Neh, I'm back to UPM ady~ Cleaned up the whole room when I've reached before having my McD McChicken for Lu-Ner... (Lunch-cum-Dinner) kaka...

After FB-ing and blog hopping for an hour or so, decided to take a short nap before heading for Fac Night's Dance Practice at 8pm later. Wokayz, am really scaring myself by being too paranoid man... The main light bulb was not in a good order and almost went off for a few times ever since I've switched it on... Ewww... creepy... Thanks to myself. And... Thanks to TCS 8 (Singapore's Channel)... That my nap plan was spoilt by my own stupidity... Keke!

Was actually watching some sorts of Incredible Tales about the supernatural forces happening around Singapore before I went for my bed last night. That explains it. For, me, being kinda "affected" by the "forces"... kakaka! I shall clutch on to my Special Towel tonight... Blahhh...


XtasyM said...

O.o u are soso like my gf... enjoy watching those kind of show then scare ur own at night =.= LoL

Nana Lana said...

LoLz, perhaps most gals r like tat! hahaha!!!