And so, this will be first ever Blogger's Birthday Dinner I've ever attended. Credits to Mr.Richard Teo a.k.a. my Pseudo-Son ever since that very day [his birthday] !
I shall let the pictures do the talking for me!
Me & The Birthday Boy !
[young mama, mou gaogao!]
Alexis @ The Gardens Mall
With the *early birds* [attendees]
From Upper Left Clockwise : Richard, Jayren, JFook, Me, Liki, JiaYeen,Shannon
My Vanilla Milkshake
<3>*cukup tepu*
Please do pardon me for not *remembering* all the dishes' names! Just enjoy the pictures yeah! =P
# 1
Now, fancy for more *human* shotz of the day? Here you go!
Richy with his cake =)

Me, Richy & Shaun

Me & The Gals, Liki, Shannon, JiaYeen

Me, Xiao Tong & Hooi Nee

Me, Edwin, Adrian, Calvin & Tony

Teddy Papa & Teddy Mama I suppose? LOL!
From left : Jfook, Richard & Me
I did had my fun for the day! And thanks to Richard for the invite =) Afterall, blogger friends are really a cool bunch of people! LOL!
Never to forget my friends as well lah! =P
BTW, this will be the very first post of mine with the most PS-extensively-done without *facial surgery* but *lighting* =)
Till then!!!
U look nice ^^
Btw, nice food pic~
So many nomsnoms! *stomach growling*
@WK, arigato gozaimasu! LOL
@Adrian, got u meh? haha! =P
@Hilda, XD go eat go eat!
so far this is the only post on the subject which has my face in the one of the photos, and my name mentioned lol
@tony, lol, dun sad dun sad! =P but i looksouglyintheshotzwithumuahahahaandstillposteditup! kikikiki!!!
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